Dental Services


Treatment of Oral Disease

If your teeth and general oral health need help, rely on Brian S. Kubo, DDS, Inc. A cavity, a broken tooth or filling, chronic bad breath, periodontal disease, and TMJ pain is unpleasant, but Dr. Kubo can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy by diagnosing and treating the condition. A TMJ examination, a periodontal examination, an oral cancer screening, and a bite analysis is provided as part of your routine checkup at Brian S Kubo, DDS Inc.

What Is Periodontal Disease

Plaque and biofilm accumulation on the teeth irritates the gums causing inflammation and bleeding. Gum disease’s predecessor, gingivitis, is caused by the biofilm accumulation and is treatable and reversible. However, untreated gingivitis commonly leads to pyorrhea(periodontal disease) in which deeper gum pockets around the teeth form as a result of irreversible bone loss from worsening inflammatory processes and toxin release. Unremoved plaque creates tartar which cannot be removed by home brushing, flossing, or mouthwashing, and it must be removed by a dental professional to help reduce the damaging inflammation which studies show can have systemic (whole body) adverse effects. 

Treatment of progressive gum disease includes more frequent deeper teeth cleanings as well as specialized lab tests to determine the specific gum disease bacteria involved, antibiotic therapy, and saliva testing. The most critical component of gum disease treatment is meticulous personal oral hygiene, which our dental professionals can help you with to match your specific needs.

Implants, Bridges, Crowns, and Fillings

When your teeth suffer damage, we can help your teeth look better than ever. A crown is a covering that encases the tooth and returns it to its former size or shape. Implants can be the ideal fixed solution if you have missing teeth or removable dentures. Dental implants are artificial roots and teeth made of titanium that are surgically placed in the jawbone. Brian S Kubo, DDS Inc. uses X-Nav technology to plan, place and guide surgical dental implant placement.

We are here to help. Call (808) 885-8465 to make your appointment for exceptional dental care.

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